In questi giorni sto leggendo il libro a “Whole new mind” di Daniel H. pink e, tra tanti spunti interessanti sulla motivazione, mi sono imbattuto in un estratto del documento scritto dal designer Karim Rashid da lui chiamato (con un po’ di egocentrismo…) il karimanifesto.


Prima di affrontare alcuni dei punti seguenti nei prossimi articoli riporto interamente il manifesto nella speranza di quache commento e spunto di riflessione “a mente libera”. Come vedrete, molti di questi aspetti possono essere estesi ben oltre i confini del puro design artistico, rappresentanodo alcune chiavi secondo cui vivere la vita imprenditoriale.

  1. Don’t specialize
  2. Keep your desk neat, clean, and empty. This means you are staying on top of everything.
  3. Treat employees and clients the way you would like to be treated by them
  4. Return every e-mail, phone call, and fax the same day it arrives regardless of where you are in the world
  5. Before giving birth to anything physical, Ask yourself if you have created an original idea, an original concept, or if there is any real value in what you disseminate
  6. Know everything about the history of your profession and then forget it all when you design something new
  7. Never say ‘I could have done that’ because you didn’t.
  8. To be is to build (Heidegger)
  9. Unveil an actuality – create a surprise, a phenomenological event
  10. Good Karma
  11. Observe everything, everyone, and every moment
  12. Work is fun, beautiful and rewarding
  13. Don’t work with someone if you sense different views, because you believe there is potential because there probably isn’t
  14. There is not potential in everything or every project
  15. Don’t work on your weaknesses, work on your strengths
  16. If you do not like your job, quit!
  17.  Laziness is the anti-Christ
  18. If you are not talented, do something else
  19. Reduce the carbs – take the fillers out of your life
  20. Carry one credit card and no coins
  21. Own 30 pairs of same color socks and 30 pairs of the same colored underwear so that socks always match, and do your laundry every month
  22. For everything you buy, you must give away the same thing– so you always stay at equilibrium and never accumulate more than you need
  23. Don’t consume or overeat because you are depressed
  24. Consume experiences, not things
  25. Do 6 things at once (multi-task), then you will never be bored
  26. Don’t use words like taste, class, boredom, style, ugly, or mass
  27. Pleasure is more psychological than physical
  28. Minimalism is boring – sensual minimalism is friendly
  29. More is more
  30. Form follows subject / object follows subject
  31. Don’t dream it, be it
  32.  Celebrate technology
  33. Normal is not good
  34. Never be satisfied with your work
  35. Perseverance, consistency, and rigor form success
  36. Being famous should not be a priority –work should be
  37. Pay your dues – learn from others
  38. There are 3 types of beings – those who create culture, those who buy culture, and those who don’t give a shit about culture. Move between the first two.
  39. Work is life
  40. Think extensively, not intensively
  41. Think Relaxed, not rigid
  42. Omni Vincent Amor, Omni Vincent Amok
  43. Experience is the most important part of living, and the exchange of ideas, and human contact is all life really is. Space and objects can encourage increased experiences or distract from our experiences.
  44. Be the change you want to see in the world (Gandhi)
  45. Edit your life
  46. Addition by subtraction
  47. Think before you endorse
  48. There is no more brand allegiance – brandump
  49. The past is pointless
  50. Here and now is all we got

Nicola S.

ingegnere industriale appassionato di digital management, logistica e produzione. Ha lavorato in diverse grandi aziende nei settori della logistica, oil&gas e della consulenza IT. Ha studiato presso l'Università di Trieste e presso la University of Technology di Sydney.

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